Friday, July 08, 2005

Religion has no part in this (London Attack)

Sher Khan (Chair of the Public Affairs Committee of the Muslim Council of Britain)
July 8, 2005, The Guardian
It was 7am and I felt a spring in my steps. The joy of our city's success in winning the right to stage the 2012 Olympic games was lingering on. It had been so long since our country and our capital felt so united in joy. So it was a calamitous shock to learn of what appears to be a series of coordinated attacks in London that have led to dozens of fatalities and scores of casualties. Lives that were united in celebration were now under threat from people who have no respect for the sanctity of life. Nothing can justify the slaughter of innocent lives.
While the perpetrators of this crime have succeeded in afflicting injury and damage on our great city, they must not be allowed to destroy what we stand for. Lord Coe in his winning presentation distinguished London from all others by bringing to attention the richness of our diversity. He demonstrated, with visual examples, how people of so many different cultures and faiths could forge an identity that all could unite under. It is our ability to debate, to disagree and yet work together for the common good of our society while living in peace, which such atrocities threaten. They cannot and must not be allowed to win.
The spirit that brought our country together in our campaign for the plight in Africa, and united us against the injustices in our world, must lead us to overcome and overwhelm the evil of those who are prepared to commit such horrors.
There are people claiming responsibility for these atrocities, calling on the "nation of Islam and the Arab nation to rejoice" as these acts are "retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan". These people give the lie to religion. Whatever people feel about the current UK foreign policy, this cannot be used as an excuse to murder innocent people going about their business.
Islam does not sanction such murder. Indeed, there is no one with a genuine belief in God who can have sympathy for such evil acts. The pursuit of justice cannot be used as an excuse for committing injustices against others. People who have lost their way in life have challenged our values. We must reply with a united voice.
Two of the areas targeted have large Muslim communities. In fact, one in seven Londoners is a Muslim. This should make us all realise that the perpetrators of these crimes do not believe that any life has value: Christian or Muslim, Jew or Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh. They value no race either. Rather, they revel only in the indiscriminate killing of the innocent, and thus we are all their victims.
However, out of such darkness there can be a dawn. Although there will be some who use these atrocities to sow division and hatred, amid some hate mail to UK Muslim websites there have been many messages of concern. People simply wanting to extend the hand of friendship and to make sure that as Muslims we do not feel vulnerable and exposed, as was the case after September 11. Such is the great spirit of London that I am convinced Londoners of all faiths and none will stand firm and resolute against this aggression.
Islam can move beyond its association with oppression and violence by being true to itself and its past, says Fareena Alam.
“Islam means peace”, they exclaim. “Islam condemns terrorism”, they insist. “The vast majority of Muslims reject violence”, they wail. Even before 11 September 2001, Muslim leaderships in Britain and elsewhere went to great pains to demarcate the line between mainstream Islam and militant interpretations of the faith. After it, their protestations became even more emphatic.
They are right, insofar as the routine association between Islam and terrorism is often expressed in simplistic and loaded terms. But the tired mantra of denial also evades a real problem within Muslim communities, one that has sharpened and deepened since 9/11: the way that an increasing number of Muslims are turning to the rhetoric and religious justification of literalist, jihadi scholars...


Anonymous said...

How can Muslems find the trueth about their religious leaders, weather or not if they teach the real word or if it's been altered to that particular leader's likes or dislikes?

Anonymous said...

that's good question, probably, one way to see whether religious leaders teach the truth about religion is to have more knowledge about religion and about its resources. Less knowledge about religion means more likelihood to be manipulated by "leaders". More, one should have more reflexive ability to assess the "spirit" of the religion, priorities that it establishes. In addition, one should note that religious beliefs, of whatever sort, are largely open to different interpretations, and it can be used for both "good" and "bad" purposes. This is tough part, however. Probably, there is no shortcut answer to find "good" interpretation, and it requires some effort. Reflection and conscience may be helpful guides here.

illegalalien said...

Is there anyone out there, that can help clarify the Islamic teaching of jihad? There have been great efforts by the faith leaders of this country (UK) to suggest that there is nothing in Islam that gives credence to such horrific violence. However, it seems to me, that for the last decade or two we have heard lots from the leaders of Islam around the world, about its jihad against the western world. Jihad to me is synonymous with Islam, but is that the case, or do we have leaders misusing the 'teaching' for their own ends?

Where does the teaching of Islam end and the hate of powerful Muslims begin? What is the truth about jihad? How can a faith purport to be peaceful if 'holy war' is a central tenet of it? Does Islam need reforming?

Anonymous said...

here is my response to "illegalalien"'s question...there are different meanings of jihad in Islam, basically two types, in reference to Prophet Mohammed's saying, one is small jihad, which refers to protect Islam/Muslims from the ones who want to harm to Islam/Muslims, the other one, which is more important, means to fight with bad desires, intentions, actions, immoralities of human nature/self, here it refers to be good and kind person and to be pious man/woman. However, one should say that there are some sentences in Holy Book, Quran, that some may interpret them, literally, to fight with unbelievers of Islam. However, it should be understood in its historical context. Unfortunately, people those do these horrific terrorist attacks, interpret those sentences in a very strange way. There is nothing in Islam to kill innocent people, to kill one man/woman is equal to kill all humanity in Islam. But, those people use and manipulate some sources of Islam in an unacceptable addition one should note that when people witness invasions and infiltration of Western power in the Muslim world, especially, in the Middle East, political reactions merge with these types of interpretations, and more people began to join with those unacceptable terms of interpretations of Islam...this is very unfortunate for Islam/ regard to reforming question, I think Islam should be understood and applied in a way that should better integrate sources of Islam and contemporary context...there is a problem of authority in Islam, there is no central authority and many different interpretations exist, bad or good, though extremist people are few they do a lot of damages, unfortunately, to Islam, the images of Islam and Muslims in the world...i hope these way of actions will lose its supporters and power moderate Muslims should make more effort to tell about the truths of their religion and should have more dialogue and cooperation with followers of other religions...they should unite against all types of extremism and injustices in the world...

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