Monday, December 19, 2005

Islam, Islam-the West Relations III

Islam in Turkish Politics: Turkey's Quest for Democracy without Islam , Mustafa Erdogan
Islam and Kemalism in Turkey, Bekim Agai
Islamic Calvinists: Change And Conservatism In Central Anatolia, ESI
Fethullah Gülen: A Modern Turkish-Islamic Reformist? , Bekim Agai
Globalization and Diversification of Islamic Movements: Three Turkish Cases, Ahmet T. Kuru-PSQ
Islamists and Democracy: Transition and Globalization in a Muslim State, Yildiz Atasoy
Clinton: Promoting Dialogue is up to Turkey, Ali Cimen

Various Ideas & Studies on Islam, Islam-the West Relations
Political Islam: Image and Reality , Mohammed Ayoob
Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic Law, Wael B. Hallaq
Islamic Spirituality in the Modern World, Kamran Mofid
Islam Dot Com, Injy El-Kashef
Dealing with the Muslim World: Five Western Mistakes, Kishore Mahbubani
Civilizations of the East and West: Conflict or Dialogue?, Al-Sayyed Yassin
Muslims and Anti-Semitism, Tariq Ramadan
The Globalisation of Islamic Relief, Ehsan Masood
Acceptance of the Other: Liberal Interpretations of Islam and Judaism in Egypt and Israel, Shimon Shamir
Islam and Secular State Religions in Azerbaijan and Central Asian Countries, Nariman Gasimzada
Fighting the War of Ideas, Zeyno Baran
How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West, Perez Zagorin
Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the Twenty-first Century, USIP Special Report
Islamic Perspectives on Peace and Violence, USIP-Abdul Aziz Said, Muqtedar Khan, Sulayman Nyang, Mohammed Abu-Nimer
Islam and Democracy, USIP-Laith Kubba, Muqtedar Khan, Mahmood Monshipouri, Neil Hicks

Islamists at the Ballot Box: Findings from Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, and Turkey, USIP-Judy Barsalou
Islamist Politics in Iraq after Saddam Hussein, USIP-Graham E. Fuller
Islam and Process of Democratization in Southeast Asia, Hassan Wirajuda
Islam and Democracy: Malaysian vs Indonesian Way , Endy M. Bayuni
Democracy and Development: Challenges for the Islamic World , CSID 2005 Conference Report
Democracy and Development: Challenges for the Islamic World , CSID 2005 Conference Abstracts & Final Papers
Dialogue vs. Conflict: Islam in a Globalized World (The Second International Conference on Islam) , Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
The International Centre for Islam and Pluralism
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
Muslim Public Affairs Journal
Muslim Democrat Newsletter , CSID
Future Islam Journal
Ijtihad: Muqtedar Khan's Column on Islam and Global Affairs
Muslim Futures Network, WNRF
Islam, Islam-the West Relations II, The Reflection Cafe
Islam, Islam-the West Relations I, The Reflection Cafe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent collection of links. Thanks.

Turan Kayaoglu

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